Ideal Public School, no doubt, has the responsibility of turning out well-groomed, disciplined and physically and mentally developed young men and women. Nevertheless, in time sequence home comes first. The influence of home is very strong. His experience of affection and discipline and his relation with other at home also affect his ability to adjust himself with other people, whether they are children of his own age or adults.
We, therefore, with humility, suggest parents to be constantly in touch with their wards and help the school play its role effectively. Let the child do his home-work independently. This will generate a feeling of self-confidence, self-study and independent thinking in him. His work should be supervised and he should be given general directions only. If during course of this exercise, you notice any deficiency in your child’s performance do take remedial steps and do not hesitate getting in touch with the school.
We seek your co-operation in the matter of school uniform, discipline, work, punctuality, attendance and other matters concerning your ward at school.
Guidelines For The Parents
- Students shall wear school uniform from the beginning of the session.
- Students must come to school in neat and clean uniform and must bring a handkerchief.
- Students must keep their nails cut and cleaned and wear polished shoes everyday.
- If a child remains absent for 6 consecutive days without intimation, his/her name will be struck of the rolls and will be re-admitted on payment of readmiS5ion fee. In all cases of leave or absence, prior permission from the principal should be obtained. However, granting of permission is entirely at the discretion of the Principal.
- Parents must see and sign this dairy daily.All remarks should be seen and countersigned regularly.
- If you find that your ward is not assigned homework or unable to follow the lesson, the Principal should be contacted.
- Parents are requested to co-operate with school authorities in maintaining discipline and establishing a healthy relationship.
- Absence of your ward form the class for mere social functions is not pardoned as it retards the student’s progress in school and distracts him/her from regular studies. If attending the function is inevitable, the child should not be sent to school on the day as not Short or Half Day leave is granted.
- Parents / Guardian are not allowed to meet their wards or the class teachers during the class hours without prior permission of the Principal.
- The school will not be liable for any damage / charges on account of injuries, fatal accident which may be sustained by the student at any time during his/her stay in the school or while taking part in sports / games or while traveling in school bus and other forms of activities of the school within or outside the school premises.